- ACME Labs Search Forms
- 37.com
- All-in-one
- ixquick.com - Europe
- Mamma.com - "Mother of all search engines"
- Search.com
- Lycos: Search FTP sites
- WWW Virtual Library - CERN
- Businesswire.com - Press releases from corporations and organizations.
- MP3Index.com - MP3 music/songs
- Webster Dictionary
- Webopedia.com: Computer and Internet Technology dictionary
- ShowBiz http://www.showbizdata.com/
- Slider - Encyclopedia as well limited internet search
- US Census Bureau
- DotComDirectory.com - Network Solutions business directory
- Language Translation:
- http://babelfish.altavista.com - Enter URL and languages to translate to and from. i.e. Translate German S.U.S.E. documentation to English or translate YoLinux tutorial from English to Spanish etc.
- Babylon.com
- FreeTranslation.com
- Google Translate
- Translate-Free.com
- MetroLyrics.com - Song Lyrics
- WorldCat: - OAister
- PDF search
- Hshtags - social media search engine dedicated to hastags
- 411Locate.com
- AnyWho.com - Find People and Businesses in the U.S. and Canada
- Whitepages Directory Telephone lookup
WhitepagesTelephone reverse lookup - SmartPages.com - Find a business by type or name.
- CriminalSearches.com - US criminal offense database
- ICQ.com - Search by ICQ number, name etc
- IAF.net: Internet Address Finder
- USSearch.com - people search
- WorldPages.com
- People.Yahoo.com - People Search
- ZabaSearch.com - Lookup people by name or state in USA.
- VitalRec.com - US birth/death/marriage/divorce, ...
- Lycos: Who/Where
- InfoUSA.com - These people look like spammers to me!!
- Yellow.ca - Yellow Pages for Canada
- Lycos: YellowPages.ca - Also 411 directory
- Puerto Rico Yellow Pages - white pages
- Europages.com
- International Dialing Codes
- Infospace International Directory: Choose a country
- 800 Directory
- Google - Big and Fast - General searches
- Yahoo
- Bing (Microsoft)
- DuckDuckGo.com
- AltaVista
- GoTo.com
- Lycos
- ExactSeek
- Excite
- Hotbot
- Infospace
- Jayde (B2B)
- ScrubTheWeb.com
- Search.com
- Teoma.com
- Webcrawler.com
- Dogpile.com
- Metcrawler
Northern Light
Argus Clearinghouse
- Tucows
- maps.Google.com - Maps and Satelite images
- USGS.com: Earth Explorer - Satelite and aerial images
- MapQuest.com - Road maps and directions
- MapBlast.com
- Local.com - locate local businesses
- DMOZ - Open Directory Project
- World Site Index
- Domaining.in
- GoGuides.org
- Gimpsy.com [Submit]
- Best Of The Web (botw.org) - for fee
Paid Directories:
- Blog and RSS submission sites list
- Archive.org - Archives web sites even if they are not around anymore.
- List of US representatives
- Reuters.com
- AP.org
- ABC News
- Trade City (World and financial) http://trade-city.com/
- Zagat.com
- CitySearch.com
- PubClub.com - pubs/bars
- IMDB.com: Movies
- MovieTickets.com
- Scalpers:
- Hoovers.com - Corporate info
- Dice.com - Contract programmers and professionals
- GlassDoor.com - corporate salaries
- HotJobs.com
- Monster.com
- CareerBuilder.com
- Craigslist.org
- Indeed.com - job postings aggregator
- Workopolis.com - Canada
- Brassring.com
- Net-Temps.com
Never ever go to JobWarehouse.com!!!! They sell their list to spammers!!! They tried to sell their list to me.
- US Government
- NARA: US National Archives and Records Administration
- United States Patent and Trademark Office (TESS) - Patent and Trademark Electronic Search System
- US National Archives and Records
- EDGAR: SEC Filings & Forms - Info on corporations
- DoNotCall.gov - US do not call list to block telemarketers. (888)382-1222
- LegalOpinion.com
- eHealthInsurance.com
- Medscape.com
- eInsurance.com
- ETrade.com - Brokerage, Bank, Mortgage
- F-Secure.com: Hoax Warnings
- TruthOrFiction.com
- HoaxInfo.com
- Snopes.com: Fraud, scams, urban legends, fauxtography, rumors, ...
- NetSquirl.com: Urban Legend Combat Kit
- Weather.com - Weather channel
- AccuWeather.com
- Vast Mathematical catalog
- DvdEastereggs.com - Hidden content on DVD's
- 123 India (India Related Only) http://www.123india.com/
- 7Search http://7search.com/
- Aache (Spanish) http://aache.com/
- AEIWI http://www.aeiwi.com/
- After Page http://www.afterpage.com/
- Columbus Finder http://www.columbus-finder.de/
- DuckDuckGo http://www.duckduckgo.com/
- Duno http://www.duno.com/
- Eule (German Only) http://www.eule.de
- Eule.de (German) http://www.eule.de
- Hachette http://www.hachette.net/
- HoundDog http://www.hounddog.com/
- Infomak http://www.infomak.com/
- Jayde http://www.jayde.com/
- Link Mania http://www.linkmania.com
- Lupe (German Only) http://www.lupe.com/
- Lycos Germany (Only for Germany Region) http://www.lycos.de/
- Lycos Italia http://www.lycos.it/
- MegaCrawler http://www.megaCrawler.com/
- Mirago (UK and Ireland) http://www.mirago.co.uk/
- NightFlight http://www.nightflight.com/
- NZ Explorer (NZ domains Only) http://nzexplorer.co.nz/
- Ottawa Kiosk http://www.ottawakiosk.com/
- OZU (Spanish) http://www.ozu.es/
- PrimeFind http://www.primefind.com/
- qbsearch http://www.qbsearch.com/
- Saydar's World of Links http://www.saydar.org/
- Searchenginez http://searchenginez.com/
- Scrub The Web http://www.scrubtheweb.com/
- Search King http://www.searchking.com/
- Surf Wax http://www.surfwax.com/ - Professional search tools.
- Uncover China http://www.uncoverchina.com/
- Voila (French) http://www.voila.fr/
- WebFile http://www.webfile/
- Witch (In German and English) http://www.witch.de/
- Yellow (Mexico: Spanish Language) http://www.yellow.com.mx
ISEDN.org: Comprehensive list of search engines and directories.
Despite the hype from submission companies that they will submit your site weekly, there is no need to submit your site more than once. (unless it is dropped) Be precise and brief (a sentence or two) in the description field. The description should include a key search word one might use to find your site.
SubmitExpress.com - Free
- FreeWebSubmission.com
- iSubmit.com - for fee
- SubmitSmart.com
Search Engine Submit links:
- Google: http://www.google.com/addurl/?continue=/addurl
Verify with search of domain: www.my-domain.com - Bing: Bing submit sitemap
- Yahoo.com: URL submittal - [Yahoo web crawler info]
- MSN Search - [crawler info]
- PositionTech.com: Inktomi - Inktomi/HotBot, iWon, GoTo,...
- Lycos
- AllTheWeb.com
Google Site Maps: spider info
- Google Sitemaps explained
- Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting
- Google.com: Create Google account
- Google.com: About sitemaps
- Google sitemap login
Ranking Tools and info:
- Google Trends - test popularity of search words.
- Markosweb.com: free automated SEO analysis of your site
- SEOmoz.org: Beginners Guide to Search Engine Optimization (SEO) - Tutorial
- CrmTrends.com - Optimization, marketing, loyalty, targeting and customer management information and tips.
- iWebTool.com - check your ranking, link popularity, etc
Backlink Analysis:
SEO blogs and info:
- Matt Cutts blog - Google software search engineer
- NineByBlue.com - Vannessa Fox's blog
- SiteProNews.com
- WebProNews.com
- SearchEngineLand.com
- SearchEngineJournal.com
- SearchEngineWatch.com
- Phil Bradley's Blog
- Spiderability: Your site must be easily searchable by the Google spider/crawler.
- Links from Javascript of Flash will probably not be followed and the content ignored.
- All pages should be accessible within three clicks of the home page.
- List pages Google has spidered with the following Google search: site:www.yourdomain.com
- List pages Google has cached with the following Google search: cache:www.yourdomain.com
- Focus article on key word topic: If your article has little focus, it will be hard for the Google indexing engine to determine what your article is about. If it remains focused on a topic using key words relating to that topic, then your page will rank higher for that topic.
- Title tag: The words in the title should reflect the topic of the web page. Each page should have a unique title.
- Heading Tags: Placement of target phrases and words within the heading tags helps to establish the importance of those words.
- Meta Description Tag: Used occasionally by Google as the description which appears in the actual search results. Each page on your site should have its own unique description tag.
- Meta Keyword Tag: Not very relavent for Google. It should reflect the topic of the web page.
- Keyword Density: Again, if your article is focused on a single subject, it will ultimately cause you to include a higher number of keywords and help you rank higher. Synonyms count.
Keyword stuffing can get you penalized.
- Domain name encorporates key word: If the key searchword is included in the domain name, it reveals to Google that the focus of the site itself is about the search word. This goes beyond the focus of a web page. Keep your web site information focused.
- Keywords used in a URL: If keywords are used in the file name or directory name, it helps to emphasize the focus of your article.
- Image Alt Text: Text used in the image "alt" tag helps determine the topic of the page and its ranking for a given key word.
- Host your website on a reliable server with sufficient uptime and good response time.
- Do not place duplicate content on your website. Do not duplicate your own pages or the pages of other websites.
- Link Anchor Text: This is the actual text you clĂck on as part of a link. This is important for the sites which link to you and the value assigned to that link. This is also true when considering surrounding text. When the content around the link is also relevant, the link holds slightly more value.
- Links to your web site will improve your page rank and traffic: This is the strongest influence on your ranking and is at the heart of the search patent upon which Google was founded. Other relavent web sites are preferred, but the following are also helpful:
- Forum Posts
- Guest Books
- Blog Comments
- Web Articles
- Press Rleases
- Reciprocal Links: Beware of emails from sites which boast that they have posted a link to your site. It is often on a page which is a hidden link and can not be traversed to via the web.
(Yahoo.com: linkdomain:www.yourdomain.com) - Links from established web sites: Links from the following sites will also help improve traffic:
- DMOZ.org
- Digg.com
- Netscape.com
- Ezinearticles.com
- Del.icio.us
- StumbleUpon.com
- Reddit.com
- Slashdot.org
- BlinkList.com
- Furl.net
- Squidoo.com
- PRweb.com
- PRNewsWire.com
- List of Web Directories
- Use Google webmaster tools:
- Google webmaster tools
- Check your content keywords: Select "website content" and enter your URL. Check to make sure your targeted words are listed.
Google has released an SEO guide: Google SEO Starter Guide
- Business Wire
- PR Newswire
- PRWeb
- 24-7 Press Release
- PR Zoom
- I-Newswire
- Webwire
- ClickPress
- PR.com
- PR Log
- eRelease
- MarketWire
- Alexa.com - stats from browser's Alexa toolbar
- QuantCast.com - stats from publisher's javascript
- Google.com/analytics/ - Google Analytics - stats from publisher's javascript
- Hitwise.com - stats from data centers
- NielsenMedia.com
- ComScore.com
- Omniture.com - data mining (owned by Adobe)
- Sitemeter.com - stats from publisher's javascript
- PayPal.com
- Free-Merchant.com
- Verisign: Payflow Link - Credit card processing
- NetBilling.com - Credit card processing, E-commerce, shopping, site membership
- EPX: Electronic Payment Exchange - ePayment for retailers. Wireless POS (Point of Sale) systems.
- ProPay.com - Accept payments online. Handles credit cards securely
- Yahoo: Paydirect - Send and receive money online
- Western Union: MoneyZap - Send/receive money online
- PayPal.com - Send/receive money online
- MerchantAccountForum.com